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Finding Joy


Updated: Jan 3, 2019

On November 27, 2018 Charles and Virginia finalized the adoption of their precious daughter, Joy.

"I have found the one whom my soul loves"

Song of Solomon 3:4

Charles and Virginia are adoptive and foster parents with AGAPE. They have exemplified AGAPE's ministry of working with children and their biological family. Here are the beautiful words that Virginia wrote the day they finalized their adoption:

"Today is not the beginning or the end of our journey to becoming parents. Today we officially became a family of three. However, we have been a family since July 21st!

We have a story to tell, a Journey to Finding Joy, that only our Heavenly Father could have written. Joy Alice Kaylee Payne is our precious gift from God.

I got to witness our sweet girl being born. That was the most special day. One mother’s heart breaks as another mother’s heart rejoices. Joy will always know her first mom loves her so much that she chose me to be her forever mom. She will always know her first dad loves her so much he made a plan for Charles to be her first love and forever dad. Joy will know how much they love her and sacrificed for her.

What a precious gift she is to us and our extended family."

AGAPE would like you to join us in celebrating and honoring all those who love Joy!


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P.O. Box 127

103 Mountain Brook Blvd.

Madison AL 35758

Phone: 256-859-4481​

Fax: 256-859-4483


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