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AGAPE, with the help of many, was able to host our annual Fall Fest training on the evening of October 24th. Thirty of AGAPE’s foster parents were able to receive required training while enjoying some treats in a comfortable, quiet setting.

While the parents were in training, children were able to participate in numerous festivities like cookie decorating, games, and finger/face painting.

A huge THANKS to Heritage United Methodist Church for providing a beautiful building to meet in AND to the awesome students and teachers who volunteered their time on a school night! Students from Austin High, Decatur High, and Austin Jr. High teamed up to help make our Fall Fest a success! Not only did the students volunteer their time, they also planned, organized, and brought supplies for all of the activities.

This year, we had more volunteers than children so we were able to pair each child up with a special buddy for the night. Buddies ensured that no one was left out and they also helped guide children from one activity to the next. Our kids truly enjoyed the attention from one-on-one time with their buddy!

Donations, all brand new, home-made treats, and goody-bags were also brought by students for our families. AGAPE would not be able to be so successful without the kindness and serving hearts of those in our community. We appreciate the encouragement and support!


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